Meet the Makers: Rappahannock Wildlife Refuge Friends


Makers Day is ten days away so that means it's time for another Maker Profile! Today’s featured Maker is Steve Colangelo and the Rappahannock Wildlife Refuge Friends!

Steve is the President of the Rappahannock Wildlife Refuge Friends, who are a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting the national Wildlife Refuge System and the Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge. This upcoming Makers Day, RWRF will be displaying their Bluebird House building kits, fun for kids of all ages!

When it comes to this year’s Makers Day, RWRF said “We look forward to the opportunity to share this experience with the people at Maker’s Day who put our houses together. They enjoy building something themselves and having the opportunity to do something helpful for wildlife. It’s a positive experience for all involved.”

We’re looking forward to seeing Steve, the RWRF and other Makers on Makers Day this June 24 from 11am to 3pm. To find out more, check this link .

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