1995 - T. Edgar Omohundro Gifts Menokin to the Menokin Foundation


Menokin Ruin Circa 1994 - Figures unknown

T. Edgar Omohundro owned Menokin in 1995 as the sole remaining heir after his siblings passed away.  T. Edgar understood that Menokin was in a ruinous state, and needed expert care and outside financing.  He also understood the historical significance of the ruin and the landscape.  

In 1995, a conversation occurred between T. Edgar and Martin K. King that would change the course of Menokin forever.  The legendary conversation took place at the Menokin ruin, and remains largely undocumented to this day.  

What may be inferred is that T. Edgar, knowing the historical significance of the place and himself growing older, believed the place would be in good hands with Martin K. King and the newly formed Menokin Foundation – a group of preservationists and conservationists dedicated to saving the Menokin ruin and landscape.

Thus, an agreement was made to transfer ownership of the house and landscape to the Menokin Foundation to save and restore the ruin as part of T. Edgar and the Omohundro’s family legacy.  We are forever indebted to this incredible family who managed to keep Menokin and the landscape afloat for decades, as well as Martin K. King and the rest of the original members of the team to rescue Menokin.

Deed of Gift July, 1995

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