connecting the past, present and future

Bessida White

Bessida White (Center) with Descendants of the Enslaved Persons at Menokin Karen Beverly (left) and Judith A. Gordon (right)

Bessida White of Middlesex County is an activist, genealogist, and retired attorney whose interests include Africana history and culture, and African American, women’s, and LGBTQ+ rights. She became the first black woman to serve on the bench in Virginia when appointed a substitute judge of the General District Court of the City of Richmond in 1983. White has served as a founder, officer, and board member for numerous legal, women’s rights, historical, fine arts, and genealogical organizations across the state and nation.

Ms. White collaborated with Menokin to found and launch the Menokin Descendant Engagement Team in its mission to encourage, facilitate and enhance research about Menokin’ enslaved population and their descendants. Bessida brings an incredible methodical and thorough approach to her research coupled with the ability to connect on a human level with the descendants of Menokin as they discover their ancestors as a direct result of her dedicated work.

Discover Bessida White’s work on the Search for the Menokin Enslaved here

Bessida White (left) with Karen Beverly and Judith A. Gordon, direct descendants of the enslaved people at Menokin